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Recruiters: How to Improve your telephonic interview skill?

12 Feb

Recruiters: How to Improve your telephonic interview skill?

Telephonic interviews are an important part of the selection process of the recruited candidates. As an interviewer, it is one of the most challenging interviews you conduct since the interviewee is not present in front of you. All you need to do is analyse the confidence and suitability of the candidate through his voice. In order to connect and make the most out of the interview, make sure you have blocked your timetable at the scheduled time of the interview. What should you ask? What shouldn’t you? Let’s find out.


What should you ask?

  • Introduction – Start with an introduction. Talk about the company precisely and introduce the candidate to the entire selection process. Further, once you’ve spoken about the organisation and its management, confirm the candidate’s acceptance on the overall approach of the company.
  • Strength and weakness – These are the two questions you should generally ask the candidate to analyse if he fits in with the position you are hiring him for or not. However, it is essential for you to apprehend if the candidate has delivered a pre-planned well-designed answer or honestly answered it on the spot. If you like his approach to the question, you may consider him for the next process.
  • Further, you may also talk to the candidate about his previous job or education.
  • Also, consider discussing the job roles of various open positions in the company.

What should you not ask?

  • Avoid asking questions that are expected to give you programmed answers. For example, asking the candidate about his career plan will provide you with a pre-planned answer. Instead, ask him about his professional goals in 5 years, 10 years, 20 years and so on.
  • Never ask the person’s age. You may consider the same from his/her CV.
  • Do not ask about his religion, region, caste or creed.
  • Further, never ask them about their family, their kids or about their personal matters.
  • Do not talk about their disabilities over the call.
  • Do not ask them the reason why they left their prior job. You may though ask them about their prior experiences.


Following the right etiquettes during the call is highly imperative. When to make a call, greet the interviewee and ask him ‘Is it the right time to talk?’ Moreover, you should sound polite with your professional tone. Further, make sure you have all the documents of the candidate handy. It helps in understanding and recollecting what the candidate spoke about.
Consider these tips, and you will hold the best interview over the telephone enabling yourself to understand if the candidate fits best for the job role or not.

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