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Start a New Life on this Women’s Day

08 Mar

Start a New Life on this Women’s Day

The beginning of our Journey in the Corporate World –

Being a woman in any society has never been easy. You may be a Home Maker or Career Oriented or a Juggler (Mother – Homemaker – Wife – Daughter in Law etc. etc.). In the past, we have seen many examples which are now our inspirations when we are aspiring towards our ambitions and dreams. But today we can see any many Tier 1 cities women are taking sabbatical long, short or permanent breaks from their career for their family, kids etc. In our 20’s we want to pay off the educational loan ASAP and also wish to do savings for our marriage so we don’t become a burden on the retiring shoulders of our parents. In the process of full fillings our financial goals we missed out on celebrating smaller achievements coming across our personal and professional career path. Such pressure sometimes becomes so high that women who are in the peak of their career tend to quit their job/career after marriage or kids.
So today on the occasion of International Women’s Day let’s try to see What exactly women on sabbatical leave really want from their life and career!


Be Focused Stay Hungry / Focus on Career

We find solace in being away from the stress filled Corporate life with continuous targets and meetings and ongoing pressure. But still, some of us becomes uncomfortable sooner as our mind and body are not used to living in an unchallenging environment. When you are not pressed against the target and the deadlines. This leads to another level of dissatisfaction in our life.

Finding Meaning in the Professional Journey

First of all, we need to accept that our definition of Career and success changes after every decade i.e. in 20’s for us the career means Money and Promotions! In our 30’s we start looking for greater career fulfilment. We want to feel proud and passionate about what we are doing and we want to feel that we are making some difference not only in our lives but also in other’s life.

Journey towards Inner Peace and Achieving fulfilment

As we shift in our 40’s once again our priorities, ambitions and definitions to success keep changing. Now we still want a career which is challenging and stimulating but also a career which will offer a time flexibility to devote more quality time with the family! So now we are actually looking at Work-life Balance.

We are ambitious for both our career and family. But when we need to choose always family wins. But is it wrong if we want best of both the worlds? A bit of giving and take. For example, if we were away for two weeks business trip, then once we are back we can spend half days happily with our kids and then push off to the office without counting is as Half Day! In short, we wanted to find equilibrium between work and family.

Spread your Wings … Balance your Family and Career

Recruitment is one of booming business opportunity for those women who are striving for the work-life-balance. Recruitment franchise not only offers work flexibility but also give the opportunity enrich other’s life. Women are born Recruiters. In 91% Indian companies the Recruitment cell is governed by Female Recruiters! The main reason is Women are uniquely skilled in HR – Recruitment because it employs both Soft and Hard skills. Hard skills are more technical… Soft skills deal with personality, culture fit, and knowing how to match relationships. Women have a good instinct combining these two sides of the HR recruitment. Women are more compassionate hence they are more willing to hear what the candidate is really saying.

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