One Shot to Victory
“Successfully Recruited an Experienced Gynecologist for an Infertility Centre. The client is located at a small town of South India. The Challenge was to get someone to move from a Big City to the Small Town & that on a limited budget”

Our Client, An Infertility Centre Is Located in Tamil Nadu. They needed a Gynecologist to join them on an immediate basis.
Our Experienced Team Member – Anitha TL started working on the profile. Knowledge of Local Language was important & fortunately Anitha knew how to communicate in Tamil.
It was extremely challenging as most doctors would not want work in a Small Town as compared to the exposure in a Big City. More importantly, the Limited Budget meant that one of need to take a Salary Cut.
Anitha, tried to look for Candidates who were originally from the Small Towns in & around the Client Location. After a Lot of Research, she narrowed down to one candidate who not only fitted the requirement but was convinced by Anitha about the Job Prospects. What worked for us was that she wanted to go back home, be with family & do good work for the place she was raised. The Candidate was open to take a salary cut as she would be saving a lot on unnecessary expenses of Big Cities.
The Client was extremely delighted as we could close this position in 3 days & with providing just One Perfectly Matching Profile. This saved the Clients Time & Effort.
Learning for Our Team was than A Profile may be challenging. All one needs to do is a little Out of the Box thinking.