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Recruitment Diaries: When the going gets tough, the tough gets going. And when the tough gets going, it creates a great success story.

A bespoke web development studio located at the heart of India, New Delhi, approached us to help them identify and recruit the right talent for their Guwahati office.

Rajiv Singha from our team in Guwahati initiated the process of going through numerous candidate profiles. It was his first assignment at Talent Corner. And he was hungry to prove himself. While Rajiv got busy looking for the perfect candidate, he was pleasantly surprised that most of the candidates were either not looking to switch or not open for the opportunity at hand.

By the time he managed to share a select few profiles with the client, Rajiv was shocked to know that the client had rejected most all the candidates. Rajiv was back to where he started – looking for more candidate profiles. This time, he had an even stronger pool of candidates from the client to review.

However, this time he was faced with another challenge. Two of the shortlisted candidates for the final round of interview backed out. Instead of letting them go, Rajiv spoke to them and explained how this opportunity could open new avenues for them. It is important to handhold the candidates and give them the confidence to see the bigger picture. Rajiv was successful in doing so. In three weeks, Rajiv closed the mandate for the client and his very first with Talent Corner. The client’s positive feedback gave a lot of confidence to Rajiv and which in turn helped Talent Corner get more mandates from the client.

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