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Recruitment Diaries: Even the hardest conditions can’t obstruct success when handled with a tenacious spirit.

An I.T Consulting and Outsourcing company located in Mumbai was looking to fill the position of a Node JS Developer and they approached us to help them with this recruitment.
The initiative to execute this mandate was allocated to our team member Sonal Garg. Needless to say, she initiated the task of scaling this mountain with a diligent sense of keenness. Although the client was looking for a candidate that could join immediately, they were only willing to provide the offer letter after 15 days of joining. Going forward, this prerequisite proved to be one of the bigger hurdles to cross, for Sonal.

She began the hunt for the star candidate who would be ideal for the position. However, finding a candidate who was perfectly qualified for the
role and also agreed to the client’s peculiar requirements was not a cushy task. The search turned out to be rather laborious with Sonal having to work overtime by persevering through late nights as well as weekends.

After going through numerous applications of interested individuals, Sonal shortlisted a few candidates for the interview. Several interviews later, she found the desirable candidate for the position. The star candidate who had been serving a notice period at his previous workplace, was triumphant at the recruitment process and got selected in only 2 days.

Sonal successfully achieved the closure for this mandate within a period of 10 days. The credit for this remarkably fast outcome goes to Sonal’s merit and her unhindered dedication to fulfill this mandate. Additionally, the urgency of the client’s need also led them to guide and help Sonal get a clearer understanding of the recruiting requirements which proved to be of immense help for the positive result.

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